I love Sundays! Sundays are the one day out of the week that I don’t struggle to get out of bed. The day that, by God’s grace, I’m able to function without several cups of coffee. I love my church and I look forward to worshiping together each week. The parking lot is always an adventure, the hallway is buzzing with faces of people I love so dearly and somehow, the music and message always seem to be just what my heart needs. To add to that, I have the honor of being a youth sponsor, so Sundays are always full of teenage energy that is unmatched by any level of caffeine intake. It’s a day full of praise, worship, learning and growing and a day I look forward to all week long! 

The thing I love the most about Sundays is the time I get to be part of the body of Christ and praise His name together. Whether it be with the congregation or in a room full of teenagers, declaring the Lord’s kindness and goodness and faithfulness brings such peace to my heart. It feels like Sundays were made to praise! Worship flows freely. My heart finds it easy to rejoice. And I’m full of gratitude for all the Lord has done in my life. On Sundays, praise comes easily.

And then Monday hits. 

Monday, when your friend is hurting deeply and you feel helpless. 

Tuesday, when someone you love dearly is suffering from a serious injury.

Wednesday, when life feels so unfair. 

Thursday, when you feel like you’ve let everyone down.

Friday, when doing the right thing might cost you everything.

Saturday, when it’s time to say goodbye.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says: Rejoice always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Rejoice always?

Pray continuously?

Give thanks in all circumstances?

How do we rejoice when life feels so unfair? How do we pray when our words fall short? How do we give thanks when our circumstances are full of pain and sorrow? That same praise that can flow so freely on Sundays can sure feel hard to find when Monday comes calling. 

Recently, the word PRAISE started to stand out to me. It showed up in verses I turned to and one day in particular, every song I listened to, I noticed the word PRAISE. I remembered hearing that when Jesus repeats himself, you’d better listen. So I just kept reading and listening and really noticing how the word PRAISE kept showing up in my life. 

Let praise be a weapon that silences the enemy. And let praise be a weapon that conquers all anxiety. Let it rise. Let praise arise.

 (Bethel Music + Brandon Lake, We Praise You) 

Sometimes you’ve gotta dance through the darkness. Sing through the fire. 

Praise when it don’t make sense. Sometimes you’ve gotta stare down the giant. Worship from the lion’s den. Sometimes you’ve gotta shout it from the mountain. Louder in the valley. Trusting that He’s gonna get you there. (Brandon Lake, Praise You Anywhere)

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live and in your name I will lift up my hands. Psalm 63:3-4

I’ll praise cause You’re sovereign, praise cause You reign. Praise ‘cause You rose and defeated the grave. I praise ‘cause You’re faithful. Praise ‘cause You’re true. Praise ‘cause there’s nobody greater than You. 

Praise the Lord, oh my soul. 

(Elevation Worship + Brandon Lake, Praise) 

With every verse and every lyric, I was reminded of the Lord’s kindness, goodness and faithfulness to His people through every season—not just on Sundays.  Not just when the praise flowed freely. Not just when things were easy. Not just on the high mountains. Not just on the good days. 

And these promises started to shift my heart as I remembered what the Lord has done in my life. I remembered the times that He walked through the valley with me, the times that He was my comfort and my shield. I remembered the situations that He has redeemed and heartbreaks He has healed and the promises He has fulfilled. 

I remembered…

Monday, when He spoke through me when I didn’t have the words.

Tuesday, when He used an injury to strengthen faith, build deep relationships and show new gifts and talents. 

Wednesday, when He showed me that the battle is His. 

Thursday, when He used others to remind me how deeply loved I am.

Friday, when He opened impossible doors and I watched Him move!

Saturday, when He placed unexpected blessings in my path at just the right time.

I remembered, and I was filled with PRAISE

He is faithful, always. He is good, constantly. He is worthy of praise in all circumstances. Though our situation may not shift, and the hard days may keep coming, praise is a weapon He has given us because this is His will for us—to rejoice, to pray and to give thanks–no matter the day and no matter what we’re walking through.

On Sunday He is worthy.

And on Monday, He is loving. 

On Tuesday, He is good. 

On Wednesday, He is just.

And on Thursday, He is kind. 

On Friday, He is in control. 

And on Saturday, He reigns forever. 

Because of who He is, we can rejoice always. Because He loves us, we can pray constantly. Because of His promises, we can give thanks in our circumstances. He is worthy of our praise, forever and ever! 

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

Written by Christina Swecker