We’re restless. There’s some nagging sense of ‘something’ inside of us that prevents us from resting well. What could it be?

Could it be that for years, we’ve built our theology and our relationship with God on the wrong foundation? That we have a tendency to start our God-conversations with sin and our inability to ‘keep the law’? And, before you think I’m teaching some kind of crazy heresy, let me be clear:    

 Romans 3:23-24 says: “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” 

  Yes, we’ve all sinned. But, through Jesus, we’re made ‘right’ with God. What does being made ‘right’ with Him mean? Do we have any basis for that? Anything we can refer to for what it means to live in perfect harmony with God?

     Did you know that sin isn’t introduced in Scripture until the 3rd chapter? And the ‘law’ doesn’t start until the 70th chapter of Scripture?  

   So, if our theology shouldn’t start with sin- what should it start with? Well, how does the word of God start? 

    Let’s look at the first 4 words of the Bible. “In the beginning, God.” 

   HE is the focus- not us- not how much of a dirty, rotten sinner we are. Then, after God finished creating, He rested. And this wasn’t because He was tired, but because He wanted to make sure His people knew that their worth isn’t tied to their productivity- but that they are loved, and it’s important that they (and we) also make Sabbath a priority.

    Hebrews Chapter 4 talks about Sabbath, and in verse 11a says this: “Make every effort to enter that rest…”

   Notice the irony of that command: we are to work hard to rest well. Does that mean clearing your schedule? Maybe. Does it mean getting rid of certain distractions, either in the form of temptations or maybe material possessions? Possibly. Does it mean pushing things of the world aside so that we can “seek first His kingdom”? Absolutely. 

For those of us who have been rescued by Jesus, Galatians 5:1 reminds us: “… You have been set free… Now don’t run back to the chains of bondage”. 

What has your restlessness been tied up in? Sin? Human attempts at perfection? Productivity? Stock market values or bank accounts?  The number of friends or followers or likes on social media? Addiction, and just getting to the next high? We need to know that for those of us who’ve met the resurrected Jesus, the presence of sin is still all around us, but the POWER of sin is broken. God is telling you that you are more than the brokenness He’s rescued you from. He’s calling you to turn from your sin, yes, but not to focus on it. You have been set free. He’s calling you back to the beginning. He’s calling you to Himself. To lay down whatever else you’ve allowed to define you your whole life. To remember, again, that the presence of sin is still all around us, but the POWER of sin is broken. He’s calling us to freedom. To rest in the story that He has literally been writing since the beginning. The core of Sabbath isn’t about the time you spend on the couch or sleeping or just ‘not working’- those things are important- I have a 12 month old- believe me- sleep is important. But sleep won’t help much if it’s your soul that is tired. 

In Matthew 11, Jesus says: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and you will find rest for your souls.

How do we find rest? By clearing a path through all the ‘stuff’ and all the ‘busy-ness’ and the guilt of our past, and creating a space in our schedules, in our minds, and in our hearts for Jesus.

I’ll say again: sleep won’t help much if it’s your soul that is tired. The core of Sabbath isn’t about what you’ve DONE or what you DO. The only ‘work’ required is pushing all the other stuff aside to create space for Him. Sabbath is about what you’re reminded of- God’s plan is good. His creation is good. He is good. You are loved. Not because of what you do. You are loved because you are His. May we no longer start our theology in the 3rd or 70th chapter of scripture, but the first, where in the beginning, God. Bask in that. Rest in that. Rest. In. Him.

Written by Steven Click